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Item Product Price Quantity Total  
tamplarie pvc hidroplasto Fereastra cu dimensiunile LXH=600X600 99.00 lei
99.00 lei ×
ferestre Fereastra Pvc 800x1000 229.00 lei
229.00 lei ×
Profil sub forma de triunghi DL 25 (coltar cofrag) 3.76 lei
3.76 lei ×
Distantier Hidro Rozeta R=30mm 0.11 lei
0.11 lei ×
Distantieri Hidro Rozeta R=50mm 0.33 lei
0.33 lei ×
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Cart Totals

Subtotal 332.20 lei

Estimate for Botoșani.

TVA (estimated for Romania) 68.81 lei
Total 431.01 lei

Note: Shipping and taxes are estimated and will be updated during checkout based on your billing and shipping information.

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